Each of us wants our World to become better, wants our children to live better than us. The only problem is how to achieve this in reality. Despite the fact that everyone, in principle, desires this, the achievement of such a state in reality is a problem for each person and for each society on our Earth.
As Douglas Adams noted in his novel "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" - "This planet has a problem, which is this: most of the people living on it are unhappy for pretty much all of the time".
What is wrong in our life? Why is there little happiness, and success and prosperity are all the time waiting for us somewhere in the distant future? You noticed that no matter what we do, no matter how many reforms we implement, whoever we elect, no matter how many talking heads we listen, nothing sensible happens. 28 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the rating of happiness in Ukraine is in a disastrous 138th place.