Because a person, besides the body, emotions and consciousness, has one more substance - the soul. This is where 'I WANT' dominates! This is where the meaning of existence in this body is. This is where the life-energy comes from, including creative ideas that, passing through consciousness (comprehension), ignite emotions (inspiration) and finally the body ran to the computer, quickly tapping its fingers on the keyboard - implement another great idea or write opera, or romance, or business project.
So, one wonders why it is so activated while lying on a sofa or, for example, in the azure water of the warm sea in the Caribbean, or while walking in a picturesque park along a river or lake? Or, perhaps, in a Finnish school, where children are not busy with homework, where created condition for the joy of communication and action, and in mathematics the main thing is to learn to maintain a state of happiness in yourself...
This what our CTW Initiative is about.
Write us your brain thoughts.