In our community, we are improving our attitude towards other people, towards ourselves and our bodies.
We determine the true causes of diseases and methods for their systemic elimination.
Together we create the Center of Harmony.
CTW-Ecosystem for Health Improvement
Combination of the Core Areas of our Activity
We want to be healthy as long as possible. We want to recover if the disease comes.
Understanding what causes the disease. Knowledge of how to prevent a possible disease.
Positive Feeling
Positive thinking and positive feelings are the main components of a healthy mind and body.
Center of Harmony
Special health centers where our doctors and healers will work - CTW-Instructor/Doc.
"Personal Growth - Improving the World"
The Course provides basic knowledge on how to improve your life and understand your opportunities in
'Health' Development in CTW-Ecosystem
Eliminating the Causes of Diseases
Body Level
Physical state. Food. Life style. Sometimes, the cause of the disease cannot be corrected without medical intervention.
Medicine exists for that.
Emotion Level
The emotional state of a person is reflected in his health. "The moment you changed your perception - you rewrote the biochemistry of your body"
Intellect Level
The level of awareness and understanding of causal relationships helps to avoid even the most terrible diseases.
Spiritual Level
The spiritual moment is decisive in a state of health. Here are both desire and energy of recovery.

Courses Related to 'Health'

Level 1
Course "Personal Growth - Improving the World»
Mandatory at the Level 1 in the CTW-Society. This course is the base for all other training materials in the CTW-Ecosystem.
More Info
Level 2
Main Course "Sources and Causes of Health"
Continuation and development of the course 'Personal Growth'. Description and study of life examples in the direction of 'Health'. Real causes of health problems. How to achive positive changes.
Level 3
Development of own program 'Socio-Cultural Development' in the direction of health
Joint work on creating of own Program on the basis of authors content and life examples. Active participation in CTW-Production in the direction of Health. Opening of the personal project "CTW-Doctor"
Level 4
Getting Degree 'CTW-Doctor'
Development own program / project CTW-Doctor-NAME. In fact, this is CTW Doctors' own School. For example: 'Center for Health and Harmony'; Laboratory for the Study of Intellectual-Emotional-Spiritual components and their influence on the mortal body ...
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+1 416 873 9973
Toronto, ON, Canada