A Happy Family is an environment where the socio-cultural development of a child begins. The happiness of the new generation depends on a happy family.

Relationship in Family

Life Together
Why do we need this? What is the meaning and need? Love?
Why is the family in crisis? Statistics of the current situation.
Do I have the right to go left?
Happiness in Family
Harmony in the triangle: Mom - Dad - Child. The balance between relationships, parenting and work. Methods for strengthening family relationships.
Optimism - you can do it, you can get a healthy, happy life from this.
Children and Parents
Why are children like that? The main motive for children's behavior. Real motives for children's behavior. "Why did I come into the world, why did this mother give birth?"
Why do they sometimes getting so much?
Family Education
The importance of family education. Critical mistakes in family relationships.
Innovative methods. Mutual assistance.
How to get children? What if there are none?

"Personal Growth - Improving the World"

The Course provides basic knowledge on how to improve your life and understand your opportunities in
'Family' Development in CTW-Ecosystem

Courses Related to 'Family'

Level 1
Course "Personal Growth - Improving the World"
Mandatory at the Level 1 in the CTW-Society. This course is the base for all other training materials in the CTW-Ecosystem.
More Info
Level 2
Course "Happiness in Family"
Continuation and development of the material - Personal Growth. Description and elaboration of life examples in each of the areas of life; attention to the topic Family. Achieving positive changes in life, especially in family.
Level 3
Creating own program: "SocioCultural Development of Individual and Society"
Joint work on creating of own Program on the basis of authors content and life examples. Active participation in CTW-Production in the direction of CTW-Instructor and Family.
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+1 416 873 9973
Toronto, ON, Canada